周墨枫(还不知道是不是他抓的人,但是我们灭了他们一队人)We don't know if he caught them yet, but we killed a team of them
周墨枫(阿鲁跟我去看看其他人在这里待命)Aru and i will go and see if the others are here to stand by
贝贝(是!老大!)Be Old )
周墨枫(阿鲁走)(Aru walks)
阿鲁(为什么带我去?)(Why take me there? )
周墨枫(刚刚那个人如果真的是老大的话,那就问题不大但是如果不是老大的话就有大麻烦了)(If the person just now is really the boss, then the problem is not big but if it is not the boss, there will be big trouble)
阿鲁(刚刚那个人是大圣?)That man just now is the great saint? )
周墨枫(是的,如果他还不是老大的话……那就说明还有人比大圣强)(Yes, if he is not the boss yet, that means there are people who are better than the great sage)
超级系统(放心吧在强也不可能超过大圣,会被排斥的)(Don't worry, you can't surpass the Great St. in the strong, you will be excluded)
周墨枫(可是我们就阿鲁一个大圣啊,大部分都是圣人,圣祖就是我和贝贝)(But we are Aru, a big saint, most of them are saints, and the ancestors are me and Beibei)
超级系统(你要不要脸?那些圣人是普通人能比的?贝贝圣祖和阿鲁打个七进七出)(Do you want to have a face? Those saints are comparable to ordinary people? Beibei Shengzu and Aru play seven in and seven out)
周墨枫(阿这……不懒我吧?)(This, is not lazy me? )
本章完End of this chapter