溴己新(怎么了?慌慌张张的?)What's up? Flustered? )
(打工人连忙把刚刚发生的事说个了溴己新听)(The migrant workers quickly told me what had just happened.)
溴己新(这样啊,那你们继续跟着他们,有什么情报及时向我汇报)(Well, then you continue to follow them, what information is reported to me in time)
(周墨枫这边几人已经到了魔族的地盘)(Zhou Mofeng has already arrived at the territory of the Mozu)
魔物群(老大好!) (Boss is good! )
鬓微霜(我的妈呀,这些魔物真的听你的!)(My God, these monsters really listen to you! )
贝贝(阿鲁你觉得老大这个b装的怎么样?) (Aru, what do you think of the boss's installation of this b? )
阿鲁(那是相当的牛) That's quite a cow
周墨枫(逛完了魔族,怎么样?要不要加入我们?)(After visiting the Mozu, how about it? Would you like to join us? )
鬓微霜(嗯,当然,这里有其他同伴吗?)(Well, of course, is there any other company here? )
周墨枫(目前只有我一个人——)(i'm the only one at the moment —)
鬓微霜(这个不是人嘛?)(This is not a person? )
(鬓微霜指着贝贝说道)(Small cream pointed to Beibei and said)
贝贝(……要不是这里这么多人,我真想打死你……)If there weren't so many people here, i would really like to shoot you
阿鲁(冷静,你本来就不是人)Calm down, you're not human
贝贝(我怀疑你在骂我,但是我没有证据)I suspect you are scolding me, but i have no proof
本章完End of this chapter