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周墨枫(昂,这是白虎城的少爷啊,来抓人的?)(Ang, this is the young master of Baihucheng, coming to arrest people? )

溴己新(什么叫抓?他们不一起来抵抗魔物,魔物来了死的就是他们!)(What is catching? They don't fight the devil together. They die when the devil comes! )

周墨枫(额,怎么好像还有点道理)(Uh, why does it still seem to make sense)

周墨枫(对了魔物?系统阿鲁是在这里吧?)(Yes, the monster? Is the system Aru here? )

超级系统(当然Of Course )

周墨枫(昂,他好像还是魔族之王来着)(Ang, he seems to be the king of the Mozu)

周墨枫(嘿嘿……有时间找他一下吧)(Hey, have time to find him)

周墨枫(贝贝你把他们解决了吧,别下死手,他们也不算什么带恶人,但是也不能让他们乱抓人吧)Beibei, you take care of them, don't kill them, they are not evil, but you can't let them arrest people

周墨枫(系统定位阿鲁的位置,贝贝等下跟上,苍翼虎准备赶路了)(The system locates the position of Aru, Beibei waits to keep up, and the wing tiger is ready to go)

贝贝(主人也走了,你们也挺弱的,赶紧吧速战速决)(The owner is also gone, you are also very weak, hurry up and get quick results)

溴己新(就凭你?想拦住我们?)(Just by you? Trying to stop us? )

贝贝(你们最高就地阶巅峰很强?)(Your highest level is very strong? )

打工人(老大我们是来抓人的,所以并没有多强)(Boss, we are here to arrest people, so it is not very strong)

溴己新(可恶啊)(Damn it)

本章完End of this chapter

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