(周墨枫已经把贝贝和青龙召唤出来了,玄龟这玩意太大,暴露就不好了)(Zhou Mofeng has already summoned Beibei and Qinglong. The black turtle is too big and the exposure is not good.)
凯兰崔尔(当然)Of Course
周墨枫(行……贝贝青龙苍翼虎上!)(OK, Beibei Qinglong Cangyi Tiger! )
(几只地阶魔兽在兽人群里乱杀,一些没反应过来的黄阶兽人直接被秒杀)(Several steps of Warcraft were killed in the orc crowd, and some of the yellow-level orcs that did not respond were directly killed)
周墨枫(你要不要上去练练手?)Would you like to go up and practice your hands? )
凯兰崔尔(行!精灵弓,灵箭!万箭齐发!)Row Elven bow! Ten thousand arrows are sent together! )
周墨枫(这tm是箭雨啊……玄龟出来,打完收工)(This tm is an arrow rain, the turtle comes out and finishes the work)
(几分钟兽人族被几人全灭)(A few minutes after the Orcs were completely destroyed by several people)
凯兰崔尔(主人,没有看见兽人王子,可能出去了)Master, i don't see the orc prince, maybe he's out
周墨枫(行吧,我们先回去吧)(OK, let's go back first)
周墨枫(可恶啊,任务还没完成)(Damn, the task is not finished yet)
超级系统(恭喜宿主,凯兰崔尔的任务已完成任务奖励已发放)(Congratulations to the host, Kalantrell's mission has been completed and the reward has been awarded)
周墨枫(啊?怎么回事?)Ah What's going on here? )
(本章完End of this chapter )