兽人(要是被发现生命之树不见了,我们可是要掉脑袋的。)If the tree of life is found missing, we will lose our heads. )
周墨枫(还想找?看我诡秘身法,溜了溜了)(Still want to find? Look at my mysterious body, slipped away)
(周墨枫马上来到了李婉茹2人前)(Zhou Mofeng immediately came to Li Yuru 2 people)
周墨枫(快上车,走了)(Get in the car, let's go)
(周墨枫骑着摩托车扬长而去,一群兽人却摸不着头脑)(Zhou Mofeng rode away on a motorcycle, but a group of orcs couldn't figure it out)
超级系统(生命之树10天长出1颗生命之果)(The tree of life grows one fruit of life in 10 days)
周墨枫(这么久?)(For so long? )
超级系统(一般的话是10年……异世界已经加速生长了)(In general, it is 10 years, The different worlds have accelerated growth)
周墨枫(在种点灵丹妙药什么的……在搭个皇宫,让贝贝进去吧)(Plant some panacea or something, build a palace and let Beibei go in)
超级系统(行!不过接下来你的积分就清零了)Row But then your points will be cleared)
周墨枫(多给我搞得任务好吧)(Give me more tasks. Okay)
(接下来几天时间,几人都在赶路,异世界里一片安好,10天一到几个人(In the next few days, several people are on the road, and the world is in good condition. In 10 days, one to several days, they also arrived at the Xuanwu Empire, and Qinglong also successfully hatched.) 也到了玄武帝国,青龙也成功孵出来了)
本章完End of this chapter