(一辆摩托车凭空出现在几人面前(A motorcycle appeared in front of several people out of thin air) )
周墨枫(我寻思着这摩托车只能载两个人呢?)I'm thinking this motorcycle can only carry two people? )
凯兰崔尔(没事我会飞……)(It's okay, I can fly,)
周墨枫(行!李婉茹!上车)Row Li Wanru! Get On
李婉茹(哪里来的东西啊)(Where did it come from)
周墨枫(来不及解释了快上车)(It's too late to explain. Get in the car)
(李婉茹立刻上车……摩托车启动,凯兰崔尔在后面飞行。)(Li Yuru immediately got on the bus, The motorcycle started and Kailantrell flew behind. )
凯兰崔尔(这东西竟然这么快!)(This thing is so fast! )
周墨枫(这可是摩托车啊……还真没让我失望啊)(This is a motorcycle, really didn't let me down)
李婉茹(这个速度半个月应该就能到了吧)(This speed should be able to arrive in half a month)
(半个月时间已经过去一半了)(Half a month has passed half)
凯兰崔尔(前面是黑暗森林了……要硬闯过去吗?里面就是精灵地盘了)(The front is the dark forest, Do you want to force it? Inside is the elf territory)
周墨枫(但是直穿过去是最快的,不然绕的话又要很久)(But it is the fastest to go straight through, otherwise it will take a long time to go around)
周墨枫(你知不知道生命之树在哪?)Do you know where the tree of life is? )
凯兰崔尔(知道,不过现在那里全是兽人了……)Yes, but it's full of orcs now,
(凯兰崔尔眼神带着愤怒。)(Kalantrell has an angry look in his eyes. )
周墨枫(带我过去吧……)(Take me there,)
凯兰崔尔(你想要生命之果吗?)Do you want the fruit of life? )
本章完End of this chapter