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周墨枫(那算了,我不感兴趣,)Then forget it, i'm not interested

凯兰崔尔(狗男人……怎么不按套路出牌)(Dog man, Why don't you play the card according to the routine)

凯兰崔尔(算了算了告诉你)(Forget it, forget it, tell you)

周墨枫(说吧)Go ahead

凯兰崔尔(精灵族竟然要我和兽族的王子联姻,)The elves asked me to marry the orc prince

周墨枫(哦?为什么呢?)Oh Why is that? )

周墨枫(精灵和兽人貌似势不两立吧?)(Elves and orcs seem to be at odds? )

凯兰崔尔(兽人,虽然不强但是人太多了……精灵族也就几百个人而已,根本反抗不了)(Orcs, although not strong, but there are too many people, The Elves are only a few hundred people, they can't resist at all)

周墨枫(有点意思……你要我帮忙?帮什么忙?)It's kind of interesting … you need my help? Help with what? )

凯兰崔尔(把兽人王子杀了就好)(Just kill the orc prince)

凯兰崔尔(他就是一个黄阶菜鸟)(He is a yellow-order rookie)

周墨枫(按你这样说,你自己也可以杀不是吗?)(According to you, you can kill yourself, right? )

凯兰崔尔(当然,他的保镖是兽族地阶)(His bodyguard, of course, is the Orc terrace)

周墨枫(怎么宝贝王子?有多少地阶?)(How baby prince? How many steps are there? )

凯兰崔尔(兽族一共就7个地阶,在他旁边的估计有两三个了)(The Orcs have a total of seven steps, and there are estimated to be two or three next to him.)

(本章完)End of this chapter

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