周墨枫(确实那是我的灵兽……但是你可别说出去不然……)That's my spirit beast, but don't tell anyone or else
李婉茹(我都跟着你了,你的秘密不就是我的秘密)(I am following you, your secret is not my secret)
周墨枫(你这什么脑回路?)(What kind of brain circuit are you? )
工作人员(接下来拍卖的是半人半精灵的奴仆起拍价500万每次加价不少于10万)(The next auction is a half-man and half-elf slave starting price of 5 million, each time the price increase is not less than 100 thousand)
路人乙(我去!精灵!)What the hell Elf )
路人乙(510万!)(5.1 million! )
(一群人lsp在疯狂加阶不一会就700万了)(A group of people lsp is crazy to increase the order and soon it will be 7 million)
超级系统(不对吧?这是纯种的精灵啊)(Not right? This is a pure-bred elf)
周墨枫(长得也不像啊)(It doesn't look like it either)
超级系统(可能精灵族搞错了吧)(Maybe the Elves are mistaken)
周墨枫(纯种精灵?那我必拿下!)(Purebred Elf? Then I must take it! )
周墨枫(800万!)(8 million! )
李婉茹(我靠你疯了?你不会也是………………)Shit, you're crazy? You won't be too.........)
周墨枫(不,这是纯种精灵!)(No, this is a purebred elf! )
李婉茹(!!!)!! !
工作人员(好的800万1次,800万2次,800万3次,成交!)(OK, 8 million 1, 8 million 2, 8 million 3, deal! )
本章完End of this chapter