许诺辉(不好!)Bad )
李婉茹(还想跑?给我回来吧)(still want to run? Come back to me)
(一股无形的力抓住了许若晖)(An invisible force caught Xu Ruohui)
周墨枫(怎么牛逼啊……还真不错)(How awesome, really good)
许诺辉(别别别杀我,都是你哥指示的啊)(Don't, don't, don't kill me, it's all your brother's instructions)
周墨枫(你哥什么修为?)(What is your brother's repair? )
李婉茹(玄阶……我好像要……要突破了)(Xuan Jie, I seem to be, going to break through)
(周围灵气突然暴涨李婉茹突破了玄阶)(The surrounding aura suddenly skyrocketed Li Yuru broke through the mysterious steps)
许诺辉(又突破了啊)(Breakthrough again)
许诺辉(修炼不到2个月就突破到玄阶了)(The cultivation broke through to the mysterious stage in less than 2 months)
许诺辉(我都修炼了好几年了……)(I have been practicing for several years,)
周墨枫(修炼不到2个月?这是个天赋变态啊)(The practice is less than 2 months? This is a talent pervert)
周墨枫(It must be useful to keep him)
超级系统There will be lightning when he breaks through the steps
周墨枫(那不是突破天阶才有的吗?)(Isn't that just breaking through the heavens? )
超级系统(那是对于一般人而言,你看他像是一般人吗?)(That is for the average person, do you think he is like an average person? )
本章完End of this chapter