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周墨枫(我遇到了麻烦……)(I'm in trouble,)

周墨枫(都怪这个坑人系统,把我从那么高摔下来结果出事了吧?)(All blame this pit system, fell me from such a high and the result was an accident? )

超级系统(这也是我没想到的)(This is also what I did not expect)

超级系统(这种事情就让你这种倒霉的人碰上了。)(This kind of thing makes you such a unlucky person encounter. )

(时间回到周墨枫来到这里)(Time goes back to Zhou Mofeng to come here)

周墨枫(呼湖~终于到了我去好像不太对!我怎么在天上?我去要掉下去了)(Huhu ~ finally arrived, it seems that I am not right to go! Why am I in the sky? I'm going to fall)


(周墨枫摔在一个女孩身上手还放在了不可描述的地方)(Zhou Mofeng fell on a girl and put his hand in an unspeakable place)

周墨枫(啊,对不起对不起)(Ah, sorry, sorry)

(周墨枫起来的时候还抓了一下)(Zhou Mofeng also grabbed it when he got up)

周墨枫(手感还挺好的。)(The feel is quite good. )

许诺辉(喂,小子,你没事就快点走吧别多管闲事)Hey, boy, if you're all right, just go and mind your own business

李婉茹(喂,你可不能走,你得对我负责!)Hey, you can't go, you're responsible for me! )

许诺辉(你想管李家的事?)You want to be in charge of the li family? )


周墨枫What's going on? It's your fault. I fell from that height


End of this chapter


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