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本书标签: 短篇  人生语句 

Tara Westover感人至深


1. "How we conceive of education is sometimes wrongheaded. I don't think education is so much a state of certainty as it is a process of inquiry, and I don't think an educated person is someone who can recite an army of facts and knows of a lot of things. I think it's probably someone who has some flexibility of mind, who's willing to examine their own prejudice, and who has acquired a depth of understanding that allows them to see the world from another point of view.”



2. “You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them,” she says now. “You can miss a person every day, and still be glad that they are no longer in your life.”

“‘你可以爱一个人,但仍然选择和他们说再见,’ 她说道。‘你可以每天想念一个人,但仍然为他们不再在你的生活中出现而感到庆幸

4. “It’s strange how you give the people you love so much power over you.”



5. “The thing about having a mental breakdown is that no matter how obvious it is that you're having one, it is somehow not obvious to you. I'm fine, you think. So what if I watched TV for twenty-four straight hours yesterday. I'm not falling apart. I'm just lazy. Why it's better to think yourself lazy than think yourself in distress, I'm not sure. But it was better. More than better: it was vital.”



6. “My life was narrated for me by others. Their voices were forceful, emphatic, absolute. It had never occurred to me that my voice might be as strong as theirs.”


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