话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > 自闭症
本书标签: 二次元  韩娱 

Chapter 0.


RachelHi, clara,Come on, How about going to the club tonight?Or go to the bar.[嗨,clara,来吧,今晚我们是去俱乐部还是去酒吧?]

claraGo to the bar. You're Return to the country tomorrow. [去酒吧吧!你明天就要回国了!]

RachelOK fine.let's call William and Karry.[好啊,那我们去教william和karry他们吧]



WilliamHi,baby . what's wrong?[嗨,宝贝怎么啦]

RachelOh, let's go to the bar tonight.I'm leaving for home at eight tomorrow morning.[嗯,我们今天晚上去酒吧吧,明天早晨八点,我就要回国啦]

WilliamWell, then, we're not drunk today.[好啊,那我们今晚不醉不归]

RachelWilliam, You help me to call kai, you two brothers are so good, just come together.[威廉,你帮我叫凯吧,你们俩兄弟关系这么好,就刚好一起来吧]

WilliamOh no problem[没问题]

RachelSee you later.[那回见]

WilliamSee you later,my girl[那回见,女孩儿]

通话中……(from william to karry)

KarryHello ?This is Karry.[hello我是karry]

Williamhello?Oh, when is my boy so polite? This is William.[hello,哦什么时候我的男孩这么有礼貌了?我是威廉啊]

KarryWilliam?Why are you in the mood to call me?[威廉你怎么有心情给我打电话呢]

WilliamWhy not?[为什么不可以]

KarryWhat happened?[发生了什么事]

WilliamNo. That's all right. It's your girl. We're going home at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Would you like to have a drink at the bar this evening?[没有啊,就是,你女朋友,她要去在明天8点钟回国,她今天晚上请我们喝酒]

KarryWhat? she is going back to her country.[什她要回国啦]

WilliamDon't be sad, she'll come back. Her father called her back and didn't know what to do, but if you come today, I'll pick you up.[不要伤心啊,她会回来的,她爸爸叫他回去也不知道干什么,但是你今天如果要来的话,我就来接你吧]

KarryYou don't have to pick me up, old place, right? I'll come. I have something to do today, so i can buy her a farewell gift.[你不用来接我了,老地方,对吧?我会来的,我有一些事要做,嗯,我要帮他买一个送别礼物]

WilliamYes, oh, it's very thoughtful of you.[哦对,还是你想得周到]

KarryHey, that's it. I'll take the gift first.[嘿嘿,那就这样吧,我先去买礼物了]


题外话—— 抱歉啊,宝宝们,上面的英文是自己写的,语法错误就忽略不计吧。
