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Lord of the Flies L 02


Three Reason Why Readers Would Like to Follow Jack as a Leader

The 1954 published novel Lord of the Flies, author William Golding, who won the Nobel Prize-winning, arranged two groups of boys on the island. They survived from an accident in the war time and they had to encounter their life on this island to wait for the rescue. Ralph was the first leader of this group of boys, nevertheless he was replaced gradually by Jack. They all have their positive aspects on ruling the boys, all of them represent and reflect different sides of modern society, however this essay will inform the reason to choose Jack as leader from three aspects: he is an independent person, a wise ruling elite and a high-efficient leader.

In the beginning of the novel, the author established Jack, a person has a formidable ambition. He pointed out that “I ought to be chief” “because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp” (Golding, 28). Here, he presented his ambition and ability to prove he is capable of being a leader. His aspiration for being the chief is higher than any person in the book, everything he did was reflecting on the standard to be a leader, this is the point that made himself eye-catching and interested by readers. Follow the plot development, “Conch! Conch!” shouted Jack. “We don’t need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill, or Walter? It’s time some people knew they had to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us” (Golding 101). The strong conflict between Jack and Ralph reached the climax. He broke the previous rules made by Ralph. This demonstrated his independence and the spirit of rebellion. Conclusively, they are the charisma of his characteristic and one portion of the reasons to choose him as a leader.

Some people may argue that they perceived Jack as a representative of evil and vicious characteristics because of his dictatorship and autocracy. Conversely, he is a brave, encouraging, and supersubstantial leader that has the capabilities to discover the suffering or shortage of people and utilize them as a weapon to preserve and enhance his ruling process. Overview the novel and the plot, one of the largest fears of the boys is the beast. They are struggling in their nightmares about this unknown creature resting in the ocean, waiting for the opportune moment to capture the boys. In this nick of time, Jack announced that “Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat” (Golding, 91). It’s not hard to imagine that in that tough moment, his words may be more stimulating and encouraging than ever. "Kill the beast. Cut his throat. Spill his blood" (Golding, 168). He brought hope to the people and captured the hearts of boys and readers by utilizing and solving their concerns. Therefore, he is such a wise leader that uses the boys’ fear of the beast to control their behavior and this is the second reason for some readers to trust him as the leader.

Food and supplies are the most essential and crucial subject of survival on the island, just like these documentaries we frequently watch in the channel 154 on CCTV. Jack’s previous occupation was hunter. With the help of his hunter group, the boys have meat to eat and fruit to enjoy. “We'll hunt. I'm going to be chief” (Golding, 191). This statement indicates his ambitious side, though they were less-effective for the first and second time, the entire group insisted on absorbing the experiences and became high-efficiency eventually. Consequently, the temptation of food, especially meat, grabbed the readers intentions to follow him.

As a conclusion, besides these negative characterizations of Jack, his spirit of independence, the ability of controlling people around him, and efficiency in finding supplies made him a successful leader, reflected the reason why some readers would like to follow him. Compared to Ralphs’ rule-making group, the contrast is obvious that Jack has a strong execution and is capable of grabbing members. That’s the point that Ralph is hard to reach because there are too many different sounds in the group. The priority of survival is food and encouragement. Based on these fundamental evidences above, Jack’s orientation on ruling the boys and his popularity is inevitable, it's wise and responsible for him to act as authoritarian.


Golding, William. Lord of the Flies, Global Village Contemporary Classics, Sept. 1954.

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