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本书标签: 轻小说  青春小诗  短诗     




I hold your heart,

I could hear the pulse of love blood,

I would offense incessant, pursue your love.

O, love, I am eager.

Shall I hold you like this till the exhaust of ocean.


I whisper in your ear,

I could perceive your hair swaying near,

Conversing constantly, waiting for the chance.

O, love, I embrace.

Shall I convey the pledge to thee.


I wish your occurrence,

I would lay in the star field and hear.

But only subsist in my prayer.

O, love, I recollect.

Shall I efface my vestige in your life.

- Twilight, July 19th. 2020

Island最新章节 下一章 Sonnet 014