话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 烟波微濑
本书标签: 轻小说  个人语录  经典语录 




If we look back three thousand times in the past life, we can only meet each other in this life, even if there is only regret after the encounter. So how many lives will it take to have regrets after meeting each other in exchange for the companionship of a lifetime of cultivation into a positive fruit?


I like wind, clouds, water and everything that is natural and delightful. People call it scenery, and I, regard it as the home.


In fact, we are all walking a long way, it has countless spring, summer, autumn and winter, but also countless long nights, you walk or not, it will roll forward, on this road, time is the main axis, and we, just stand on the road, follow time, choose ghosts who move and do not move.


Anyone can have joy, anyone can have sorrow, but there can be no despair. Hope is the origin of all power, while despair is the end of all power.


Only idiots who have nothing to do will feel lazy and terrible, but if you know it, the fact of laziness will not be changed. So, in fact, we are all lazy idiots.


The most miserable thing in life is not to love, nor to part from life or death, but to be unable to start when you know how to start a change.

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