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Meeting you is my most beautiful accident



You know what? When you put on a wedding dress that moment, I found that we are the happiest each other.



On the way to meet the person who lives hand in hand with you, you have loved warmly, but it's a pity that you didn't give me a response.

After a period of incubation, the scars that were hurt gradually heal, but you still don't spark with the person you play according to the predetermined role in the movie script, but ignite the love with another supporting role.


In that lonely time, I don't know who to tell, and my steps are no longer firm.


Until your appearance and I had a perfect encounter, I had a pure love affair with the people I love, which can't be copied by others, I found that we had become honest from the beginning. I don't know why you chose me, but your choice made me believe in love again.


It was like the beginning of a good life




I finally wait for you, finally live up to their love, never wasted their heart. I regret a lot of things, but your love for me is all I have, and I can't easily destroy it.

You are the person I am most worthy of looking forward to, and also the one I can hardly forget, so you have become the preference and accident in my life.

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