“Roses will bioom all the time.玫瑰花会一直盛开.”
“My universe has hidden countless and tenderness for you.我的宇宙为你私藏了无数温柔”
“As long as you are willing to workhard ,the world will surprise you. 只要你还愿意努力,世界就会给你惊喜”
“nurture passes nature.修养胜于本性”
“We all meet someone and exchange warmth and tenderness with each other.我们都会遇见一个人,互想变换温暖与温柔”
“Take the dream as the house live up to the time.以梦为马 不负韶华”
“You're bot bad at all,you can start anytime.你一点都不差,只是你想,随时都可以开始”
“Girl s journey is the sea of stars not the love of the world.少女的征途应是星辰大海并非烟尘人间”