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1. 我妈告诉我,我爸的QQ只有我妈和几个同性好友,特关是我妈,置顶是我妈,情侣空间也只和我妈开。。。。我会有这种待遇吗?。。。不会有吧。。。

My mother told me that my father's QQ is only my mother and several same-sex friends, especially my mother, the top is my mother, and the couple space is only opened with my mother.... Will I have this kind of treatment?... It won't be...

2. 越是试着忘记,越是记的深刻。

The more you try to forget, the deeper you remember.

3. 死亡是生命的终点么?不,并不是,终点是:被人遗忘。

Is death the end of life? No, it's not. The end is to be forgotten.

4. 哪里有希望?没有绝望,哪来的希望?

Where is hope? Where is hope without despair?

5. QQ好友再多又有什么用,都是“死人”罢了,理你的,不过就那几个人。

QQ friends no matter how many and what use, are "dead" just, manage you, but only a few people.

6. 爱是什么?是什么样的?又或者说,有人拥有过爱吗?

What is love? What is it like? Or has anyone ever had love?

7. 为什么说没有梦想就是条咸鱼?那么,我想问,那些望子成龙的家长,不是早把梦想的翅膀剪掉了吗?

Why is no dream a salted fish? Well, I would like to ask, those parents who are eager to succeed in their children have already cut off the wings of their dreams?



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