1. 不物质,所以呢?没有任何的要求又怎么样,网上那么多什么被拜金女甩了,那我呢?我不拜金,反而被人甩了,多可笑啊。
No matter, so what? What if I don't have any requirements? What's so much on the Internet that's been dumped by money worshippers? I don't worship money, but I'm dumped. How ridiculous.
2. 物质这个东西,说好听了是现实,说难听了就是有病。
Matter is a reality when it is good, but it is sick when it is bad.
3. 秒回这种事情,谁都不能保证,也不是谁都要求秒回,但又有谁知道有那种没回消息就等,回了消息就秒回的女孩子呢?
No one can guarantee this kind of thing, and not everyone asks for it. But who knows that there are girls who don't answer the news and wait for it, but who knows the girl who returns the message in seconds?
4. 总有人说我讲大道理,但是。。。这些人。。。何尝知道我经历过什么呢?。。。
I've always been told that I'm reasonable, but... These people... Don't you know what I've been through?...
5. 爱情这种东西,谁也说不准,你怎么知道那是好桃花,还是烂桃花呢?
Love this kind of thing, no one can say, how do you know it is good peach blossom, or rotten peach blossom?