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本书标签: 轻小说  丧句 



1. 毕业了,他给我们班每一个人发了一颗糖,唯独给了她两颗…我把糖放进嘴里,咬成两瓣:看,我也有两颗了…

After graduation, he sent a candy to everyone in our class, only gave her two I put the sugar in my mouth and bit it into two pieces: look, I have two too

2. 我原本以为你对待所有人都很冷淡,可是当我看见你和她在一起说话笑得那样开心时,我才知道,我在你心里,没有半点地位。

I thought you were indifferent to everyone, but when I saw you talking with her and laughing so happily, I knew that I had no status in your heart.

3. 100度的水最终都会冷却,更何况我对你的热情。

100 degrees of water will eventually cool, not to mention my enthusiasm for you.


Input method still remember your name, not to mention the thought of me

5. 这万家灯火,又有哪一家是在等我呢?…

Which family is waiting for me?...

6. 此间山河满目荒凉,再无所谓人间希望。

The mountains and rivers here are desolate, and there is no hope in the world.

7. 我也不觉得日子苦,只是你问我最近有什么开心事时,我一件也说不出来。

I don't think it's hard, but when you ask me what I'm happy about recently, I can't say anything.

8. 你把快乐和心还给我,我就从你的世界里永远消失。

You give me back the happiness and heart, and I will disappear from your world forever.

9. 戴上面具吧,没有人在乎你难过。

Put on a mask. No one cares about you.

10. 小丑逗人笑,谁逗小丑笑?

The clown makes people laugh. Who makes the clown laugh?

11. 我没有那么坚强,只是习惯了什么事都自己扛。

I'm not so strong, just used to carry everything by myself.

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