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Names written on scratch paper and in books mean a lot.

学生时代的暗恋 连作业本放在一起都觉得是缘分。

The student's unrequited love even the exercise book to put together all feel is the fate.

枯黄的梧桐落叶载着少年时代未落幕的心动 秋风阵阵吹过带着酸涩而短暂的暗恋。

The withered and yellow leaves of the parasol tree are carrying the heart of the unfinished youth autumn wind bursts with sour and short secret love.

我腿短人矮 但是你在楼梯口拐角处脸上少女眼里处折回来等我 光照在你的从此有了光。

I have short legs and I am short but you turn back at the corner of the stairs in the eyes of the girl on your face and wait for me to shine on you and there will be light.

其实我在你看不到的地方 看你好多次。

In fact, I have seen you many times where you can't see me.

突然教室里安静了下来 我们下意识望了窗外发现老师不在 又开始大声的吵闹。

Suddenly the classroom became quiet and we looked out of the window and found that the teacher was not there and started to make a loud noise.

最喜欢晚自习在窗边看晚霞 还有你。

I like the evening study in the window to see the sunset and you.


From the previous "our class" to the present "our class" "their class".

最美的青春 不过是不经意的回眸一笑。

The most beautiful youth is just a casual smile.

在每次看见他的时候 表面冷静 实则内心澎湃。

Every time I see him, the surface is calm but the heart is surging.

后来职高的风没有吹到普高 我的爱留在了那年盛夏 遗憾也被秋风吹散。

Later the high wind did not blow to Pu high my love to stay in the summer of that year regret was also blown away by the autumn wind.


I read your name on the 800-meter track.


Beautiful sunsets always appear in that hot evening study.

面无表情的擦肩而过是假的 回头看才是真的。

deadpan pass is false look back is really.


The school desks are always engraved with love words deeper than the sea.

我在这风声鹤唳的十五六岁遇到一个人,少年明媚似阳光 叫我不敢忘。

I met a person at the age of 15 or 16, young bright like the sun that I can not forget.

初三就是 吃饭和洗头不能兼得 课间睡觉和去厕所不能兼得。

Junior three is to eat and wash hair can not have both sleep and go to the toilet can not have both recess.

难怪有人说青春轰轰烈烈 这四个字 一听就是团伙作案。

No wonder some people say that youth with vigour and vitality these four words is gang crime.


I really like my bestie to you that direction crazy running scene.

是我隔音太好 否则你一定能听到我砰砰的心跳声 隔着三千棵树 六百条河。

My sound insulation is too good otherwise you must be able to hear my heart pounding across three thousand trees and six hundred rivers.

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