Don't talk in a very relaxed tone and cry secretly by yourself
It turned out that the astronaut disturbed the moon
If I am the failed test paper, then I want to see the standard answer
I often look up at the moon and find that although the moon is also looking at me, but it is also looking at other people at the same time, I am very jealous
My way of expressing my dissatisfaction is to reply to the news later, but you seem to be able to do so later
真正的离开是没有告别的 ,所有的大张旗鼓皆为试探。
There is no farewell to the real departure, all the fanfare is testing.
The movie will eventually end, people will end, and then the perfect promise also arrived but reality, so love will disappear.
To tell you the truth, I just want you to be good to me, your feelings, you can not give me, that picture you money you say I am realistic, that you want me to how.
你能感受到吗?当初为了一个小错误 ,能给你发信息一整天道歉的男孩子 ,现在看见你哭竟然无动于衷了,爱你的时候是真的 ,不爱也是
Can you feel it?At the beginning for a small mistake, you can send a message to apologize for the boy, now see you cry unexpectedly indifferent, love you is true, do not love is also
那我收起我的脾气,改掉我的无理取闹藏起我的长篇大论体谅理解你 ,我懂事一点.
Then I put away my temper, get rid of my vexatious hide my long-winded understanding understand you, I understand a little.
She did not sleep in the early morning, did not play video games, and no one to chat with her, she just sat there and kept reminiscing about the past, tears have been flowing, do you think she was thinking about
First marriage afraid of small three, second marriage afraid of ex-wife, don't marry sorry parents, marry sorry yourself, divorce sorry children marriage far look at the light, close look at the smoke miasma.
一生气就不说话一难过就不吃饭 ,自卑的人总是先惩罚自己
An angry do not speak a sad do not eat, inferiority people always punish themselves first
The sun doesn't set first, I hope you understand
Can not tell these two years is really bad, or did not grow up always feel difficult interpersonal communication, love is difficult, the biggest feeling is not sad but tired