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第317章 很现实的伤感句子


1.姑娘,你那么努力,不是为了嫁给世俗传说的如意郎君;你那么优秀,不是为了给娃当个娘就算了,你从不欠别人一段恋爱,也不欠任何人一个孩子,你只欠自己一个幸福的模样 。

Girl, you don't work so hard to marry the husband of the secular legend; you are so excellent, you don't want to be a mother for your baby. You never owe anyone a love or a child. You only owe yourself a happy appearance.



When it comes to love, if you think about self-esteem, there is only one reason. In fact, you still love yourself the most.

——Maugham's the moon and Sixpence


The first time I cry is because you are away, the first time I laugh is because I meet you, the first time I laugh and cry is because I can't have you!

4.世上的事情都经不起推敲,一推敲,哪一件都藏着委屈。—— 《一句顶一万句》

Everything in the world can't stand scrutiny. Once deliberated, there are grievances hidden in everything. ——"One sentence is worth ten thousand sentences"


Give yourself some time every day to relax and adjust.


In fact, deep embrace is warmer than anything.


When I was a child, I thought that when I grew up, there would be many unexpected things and surprises. When I grow up, I realize that life is not only without surprises, but also sad for you everywhere.


It's hard to say: like the last is unwilling, love the last is sad.

上一章 第316章 读懂一半受益终生的人生哲理 杂货收藏馆最新章节 下一章 第318章 伤感虐心的二十一句话