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第一百四十七章 你的文字让我觉得这个世界很美好



I seldom say thank you because I think it's too official, but I really want to say thank you at this moment. Thank you for making me feel that the world is beautiful most of my life.



My world is easy to satisfy.

A small piece of cherry cake, half of the plum wine, and the warm winter sun glancing at me, can make me feel inexplicably comfortable.


The world is too sharp, I am not very happy, but thank those who take care of my feelings, let me be covered gently.



Of course, I understand that the world is often cold, but when I want to harden my heart and confront the world by myself, the sweet smell of taro in the kitchen, the sweet ice dregs in the center of watermelon, the noisy square on a summer night and the gentle little things always move me.

It's so nice. I can't help being more gentle to the world.

上一章 第一百四十六章 扎心句子 杂货收藏馆最新章节 下一章 第一百四十八章 温柔到爆的神仙句子