话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > exo:花的世界(英语)
本书标签: 明星同人  EXO  女尊     

Chapter 4(第四章)


迪丽热巴What kind of flowers do you like? Or to whom?(你们喜欢什么样的花?又或者送给什么样的人?)

Before I could speak,Zhu Chu took the lead and said(还不等我开口说话时珠泫便抢先一步说道)

裴珠泫Do you have flowers to express your secret love?(你这有表达暗恋意思的花吗?)

She chuckled at her lips(她抿唇轻笑了一声)

迪丽热巴There are many flowers to express secret love,mainly depending on which one you like。(表达暗恋的花有很多,主要是看你喜欢哪种。)

When they were talking, I went to the flower side and looked around。 I found that there was a beautiful and slightly haggard flower which was placed in the corner alone。 If it wasn't for its appearance, it would stand out among many fresh and thriving flowers。 I don't think I would feel the flower that was placed in the corner。 I went to the corner with a little curiosity and picked up the one Flowerpots of flowers(就在她们交谈的时候我走向花旁四处打量,发现有一株妖艳且略带憔悴的鲜花孤单单的被人摆放在了角落旁,如果不是它的模样妖艳在众多清新且欣欣向荣的鲜花中脱颖而出,估计自己是不会发觉这株被摆放在角落里的鲜花的,我略带好奇的走过去捧起摆放着那株鲜花的花盆)

Holding the flowerpot, I turned to look at the owner's wife who was talking with Zhu she wondering why the flower was placed in the corner(我捧着花盆扭头看向正在与珠泫交谈着的老板娘,好奇这株鲜花为什么摆放在角落里)



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