裴珠泫Tomorrow is Chinese Valentine's day, Do you want to tell him?(明天是七夕节你要向他告白吗?)
I hesitated and was afraid that he would refuse his confession, Zhu seemed to see my inner thoughts and clapped me on the shoulder(我有些犹豫,害怕他拒绝自己的告白,珠泫像是看出了我内心的想法,拍了一下我的肩膀)
裴珠泫How do you know he doesn't like you if you don't try。(你不试试怎么知道他不喜欢你,万一喜欢呢。)
许无忧Then What should I do that day?(那……那天我应该做什么?)
Zhu can't help her forehead when she hears my question(珠泫听到我的问题无奈扶额)
裴珠泫I'll take what you asked as my best friend,Then you can buy a bunch of flowers for him,He likes to eat chocolate,You can buy another heart-shaped chocolate for him。(你这问的做为闺蜜我也是服了,到时候你买束鲜花送他,他不是喜欢吃巧克力嘛,你再买一个心形巧克力送他。)
许无忧Do you know where to buy flowers and chocolate?(那珠泫你知道哪里有买鲜花和巧克力的吗?)
裴珠泫oh my god!Alas I seem to hear someone say that there is a house not far from here, As for chocolate See if there's any for sale here。(我的天!唉……卖鲜花的我好像听别人说这里不远处有一家,至于巧克力的话……看看这里有没有卖的。)
――To be continued(未完待续)――