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1.见阳光的人 眼里全是温柔和笑意。

The eyes of those who see the sun are full of tenderness and smile。


Although I am not good at words, I can't hide my love for you。

3.如约而至 未来可期 从不辜负 一生欢喜 我希望我是你们也是。

As promised, the future can never live up to the joy of life. I hope I am, and so are you。


I am willing to share the noisy happiness with you because you deserve it。


All the things in the world depend on hard work. Only emotion needs luck。


Life may be difficult for you occasionally, but it always leaves a piece of sugar for you inadvertently。


Children without umbrellas should learn to run by themselves。


It's a nice day today. Actually, I want to say it's a nice day without you。


Sunflowers have only one sun and the sun has countless sunflowers. There are many girls in the world, but I have only one。


I want to become a fish, even if only seven seconds of memory, enough for me to keep you in mind.


Sometimes I want to forget your appearance, but you are lingering in my mind.

12.过去曾有人对我说 一个人爱上小溪 ,是因为没有看过大海。而如今我终于可以说我已见过银河 ,但我觉仍爱你这一颗星。

In the past, someone told me that someone fell in love with a stream because he didn't see the sea. Now I can finally say that I have seen the Milky way, but I still love you。

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