All说“Yeah, no, it's both,You wait, I'll book the flight back right away,By the way, I got you a TV play called corpse Whisperer. Anyway, I'll talk to you later。”(是呀,不对,是两个都是,你等着,我马上订机票回去,对了我给你接了个电影,叫做失语者,总之我回去再和你说。)
苏紫诺说“I see, All.sister,You're as wordy as you used to be, All.sister,I have something I haven't told you. Don't be angry after listening!”(知道了All姐,你还是和以前一样啰嗦,对了All姐,我有件事还没和你说,你听完不要生气呀。)
All说“You say it, I can carry it。”(你说吧,我扛得住。)
苏紫诺只能把真相说出来说“All.sister,I haven't cried before. My father made a marriage for me,I'm at the peace noble college now,So for a while, ,All.sister,If you go back to China, I'm afraid you can't come to me。”(All姐,在我没回国时,我爸给我定了一门亲事,我现在在艾琳贵族学校上学呢,所以,这一阵子All姐如果你回国怕是不能来找我了。)
All问苏紫诺说“Why can't I go to you?”(为什么不能去找你?)
苏紫诺说“I was pretending to go to school, and ran Shuhe and his parents also arranged a marriage for them,。”(我是扮装去的学校,还有染姝和忆彤也在,她们的父母也给她们订了一门亲事。)
All在手机那头哈哈大笑了起来说“You threeIt's really a good sister, so am I,Now engagement is also with your parents, too tacit,It's not the world's plan, is it?”(你们三个可真是好姐妹呀,回国也是一起吧,现在订婚也是一起,你们的家长也太默契了,不会是事先商量好的吧。)