岑惠阳Did you find out where Lusinan is?
岑惠阳的导师李子凡How could I not find it? Go Right here!
岑惠阳I'm not interested in knowing where the hell he is. I am interested in how to make the relationship between Lu Shinan and Lu Huainan better! That's my point!
岑惠阳的导师李子凡Of course I understand that, but if you knew where he was, you'd be interested.
岑惠阳Oh, really? Then where is Lu Shinan?
岑惠阳的导师李子凡Lu Shinan! Where Lu Huainan's mother was buried! His heart to Lu Huainan's mother, I have always seen, if he is not sincere to Lu Huainan's mother, he has already found another woman.
岑惠阳It seems that it is not bad! But do you think this is how I'm supposed to meet Lou Shinan?
岑惠阳的导师李子凡I think you're doing okay, too! Lu Shinan doesn't value your girls'appearance very much! By the way, you still have a foot injury, let me tie your foot to help you tie the scarf first!