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岑惠阳At that time, I think it is better for you to do this. After all, they are all outsiders. Just the two of us are insiders. Who wants their family scandals to be promoted to other families? Where is the face of Lu Shinan? Looks like you're gonna have to do it yourself!


岑惠阳的导师李子凡Uh, Huiyang, how do I feel that you are in a routine? All you wanted from the beginning was for me to come forward in person!


岑惠阳Uh-huh, haha, you'll guess really well then! I really just wanted you to come forward in person at first! Because you know his past, and I just heard you say, did not really see the scene, do not know the sadness of that scene. So, uh, you know!


岑惠阳的导师李子凡All right, all right, Huiyang, I see you're my mentor now!


岑惠阳Hahaha, It's my pleasure! You were my mentor. I could be your mentor! Same to you.



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