(这一章就写,周墨,走了之后翻天覆地的变化吧)(This chapter is written, Zhou Mo, earth-shaking changes after leaving)
(然后就真的完结了)(And then it's really over)
宋景(I go to what the hell is this thing)
新凤霞(他被吸进去了?)(He is sucked in? )
武器阁老板(老家伙,能不能把这个封上?)(Old man, can you seal this up? )
校长(害,刚刚和青龙大战之后没有多少力气了)(Hey, there is not much strength after the war with Qinglong)
宋景(这个吸力太强了吧,我快不行了)(This suction is too strong, I am dying)
过了一会儿黑洞就不见了After a while the black hole disappeared
宋景(我去怎么关上了?老大还没出来呢)(I went to how to close it? The boss hasn't come out yet)
鲨雕(周墨枫估计……害)(Zhou Mofeng estimates, harm)
新凤霞(不……不会)(No, no)
校长散了吧散了吧Break it up. Break it up
(几人都陆续走了只剩下新凤霞和宋景)(Several people have left one after another, leaving only Xin Fengxia and Song Jing)
宋景(你说老大会不会有事?)(Do you think the boss will be fine? )
新凤霞(不会的,你跟我过来)(No, you come with me)
宋景(唉?咋了?)Alas What's up? )
新凤霞(空间传送!)(Space transfer! )
(下一秒2个就消失在原地)(2 in the next second disappeared in place)
宋景(哇,这是哪里)(Wow, where is this)
新凤霞(我的家……)My family
宋景(这么大?比帝都还大吧)(So big? Bigger than the emperor)
新凤霞(……这些东西都给你……去闯吧等他以后回来,他看见你闯一片天地也会十分高兴的吧……)(, these things are for you, go and wait for him to come back later, he will be very happy to see you in a world,)
宋景(那你呢?)(What about you? )
新凤霞(我就待在这里了……找到他后记得通知我)I'll just stay here, let me know when you find him
新凤霞(这个给你,可以联系我的,遇到了麻烦也可以找我)(This is for you, you can contact me, you can also find me if you are in trouble)
宋景(好~我不会让你们失望的)(OK ~ I won't let you down)
(过了几个月后)(After a few months)
人影(姐,外面好像出现了新的变化,)(Sister, there seems to be a new change outside,)
新凤霞(嗯,我发现了,是宋景吧)(Well, I found out, is it Song Jing)
人影(当然)Of Course
新凤霞(嗯,果然没让我失望,可是他现在过得怎么样……)Well, it didn't disappoint me, but how is he doing now
本书完End of the book
(完结了)It's over!
(至于周墨枫会不会回来你们肯定知道的)(As for whether Zhou Mofeng will come back, you definitely know)
(敬请期待吧)Please look forward to it