话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > HC——创世之时
本书标签: 游戏同人  HC党  HC向     



Coming up-----

The demon who will devour you who will end your suffering.

Place: Players’ Camp

“Take him out! ” A player shout.

(All Characters and story are fictional)

“Impossible! Impossible! ”All Herobrine say.

And now !

Reveal The Demon-

Resistance Player Tribe Desert camp

“We players.....We’re not all the same...some of us..some of us just want to run away and build sand castles, but who...Who really owns those sand castles? What makes something yours? What gives you entitlement to a thing if you eventually have to give it up one day. So was it really yours to begin with or maybe you were just borrowing it ?”

“Why is Mr. Oinkers just standing there? What is he even look at?”A players in yellow say.(Jack)

“Huh? It’s like he’s waiting for something.” Tom say.

“He’s just a stupid animal. We should just eat him. I’m tired of eating bread from the underground farm every day.”Jerry say.

“Mr. Oinkers is one of us. He helped us so much. He helped us find all these free tridents. ” Jack say.

Nothing is free in this would. Everything has a cost. That cost most of the time is hidden, but it is always paid nevertheless.

Past time-

“Wow, look at all these free tridents. ” Jack say.

“Every tridents I touch I am able to store my energy within it, using my own energy signature. I have prepared many of them. Storing a high amount of energy within each of them. Once I send a new charge. Commanding this energy to be released. This tridents, they are like bombs. I have littered the ground of many battlefields. With these highly charged tridents. They sit there waiting to be collected. You will assess them. You shall befriend the players. Then you shall lead them to these lonely tridents. ”Drowned say.

“wow,tridents are really valuable! ”Mr. Oinkers say.

“yeah,let’s grab them all and bring them back with us! Who needs swords when you have trident! ”Jerry say.

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