I like that you can enjoy for a long time, that is, summer is over and autumn is fresh and enthusiastic.
2、“妈妈也曾是个小女孩 ,怕黑怕虫子,也会掉眼泪 ,笨手笨脚被针扎到 却温柔了你, 温柔了岁月.” “爸爸也曾是个小男孩 ,天不怕地不怕 ,喜欢打打闹闹 ,还爱闯祸 ,却罩住了你 ,罩住了整个家.”
"Mom was once a little girl afraid of the dark, afraid of insects and tears, clumsy and pricked by needles, but gentle and tender for years." "Dad was once a little boy who was fearless, afraid of slapstick and trouble, but covered you and the whole family."
Any casual remark will be taken to heart. People who respond to everything are really treasures in the world. People who meet such people must cherish them.
4、被一个温柔的人喜欢真是太好了呀,他就像春夏交接时最温柔和煦的那阵风,万物经过你,都变成柔软的样子,然后你也开始对这世界充满了喜爱 。
It's great to be liked by a gentle person. He is just like the gentle and warm wind at the turn of spring and summer. Everything passes by you and becomes soft. Then you begin to love the world.
The love I want is comfortable silence, full appreciation, knowing my shortcomings, and embracing me in the dark.
6、“永远这个词说起来有些不切实际, 所以我向你承诺, 在看得见的未来里我会一直爱你”。
"The word forever is somewhat unrealistic, so I promise you that I will always love you in the foreseeable future."
7、温柔的晚风 ,傍晚的晚霞 解暑的西瓜 ,冒泡的可乐 ,人间的美好多着呢, 不要为眼前的黑暗所迷惑,你要相信自己配得上世间一切的美好。
The gentle night breeze, the sunset glow in the evening, the summer heat relief, the watermelon bubbling, and the cola world are many beautiful things. Don't be confused by the darkness in front of you. You must believe that you deserve all the beautiful things in the world.
"The stars stole the wine of the worldDrink the milky way and spread the whole sky. "
"To me, you are always fresh, cherry just oozes dew, plum slightly yellow, days repeat, but you are always bright. Later, cherries became ripe red and plums became wine, but when I looked up at you, the whole world was behind me, returning to the appearance of spring. "
10、我在黄昏上写了一封书信, 载着落日的余晖和银河的浪漫 ,寄给你, 寄给温柔本身。
I wrote a letter in the evening, carrying the afterglow of the sunset and the romance of the galaxy, and sent it to tenderness itself.