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千寻I just live with the past and shadow. I can't hide it. Before others start to love me, I'm afraid that he will hurt me.


千寻Will someone really love me? I used to firmly believe that I will have a partner who loves me deeply, but I have been waiting for a long time and no one likes me.

#千寻真的还会有人来爱我吗? 我以前很坚定地相信,我一定会有一个深爱我的伴侣,但是我等得快要没有信心了,已经很久很久没有人喜欢我了。

千寻Three pieces of loneliness: longing to be loved, not believing in being loved, afraid to give love.


千寻I used to think that my love was very subjective, but later I understood that who accompanied me longer, I would love more. Love is not a continuous line, love is a scattered point, every day's company is more than one love point, these points make the invisible line longer and longer.

#千寻我以前觉得我的爱很主观,后来我明白谁陪伴我更久,我就更爱谁多一点。 爱不是连续的线,爱是一个个分散着的点,每一天的陪伴就多一个爱的点,这些点让那条隐形的线越发绵长 。

千寻One day ten years later, we met again at the convenience store downstairs. At that time, we wanted to stand behind you and scare you, but we found that we should be serious adults.


千寻In the past two years, I have been more and more able to understand the saying, "love can't be found, so people say falling in love. You can't fall on purpose. " Everyone is playing the role of deep love, looking for love, but love never appears when you learn 36 tricks, master all kinds of routines and learn to pretend to perform.

#千寻这两年在爱与被爱中越来越能理解这句话,“爱情是找不到的,所以人们才说坠入爱河。你不能有意坠入。” 人人都在扮演深情的角色寻找爱,可是,爱情从来都不是当你习得三十六计、掌握各种套路以及学会伪装表演后就出现的。

千寻Love is a kind of unconscious and unreasonable. It happens in the subway, the passing of zebra line, the two hands in the bookstore reaching a book at the same time, and then the eyes meet at the first sight and fall into the river. We can only accept passively, passively fall into. Falling in love is unintentional, so love is not to actively find, is accidental encounter, is to try luck.

#千寻爱是一种无意识和没道理,它发生在地铁上的匆匆一瞥、斑马线上的擦肩而过、书店里的两只手同时伸向一本书,在初见的那一刻视线交汇然后双双掉进河里。 我们只能被动接受,被动陷入。 坠入爱河,是无意间的,所以爱河不是主动找到,是偶然遇到,是碰运气。

千寻I ate an apple, met some people, watched a movie and started a journey. I chatted with my friends, had a big drink and bought a new dress. Day after day, orderly, no vast mountains and rivers, no stars all over the sky. But I clearly remember some moments when I marked reunion, separation and reunion, and in some moments, redefined love and hate.

#千寻我吃了一颗苹果,遇见一些人,看了一部电影,开始一段旅程,我和朋友聊天,喝了一场大酒,买了一件新衣服。 日复一日,有条不紊,没有山河浩瀚,也没有繁星满天。 但我清楚记得某些时刻,我标注了聚散离合,也在一些瞬间,重新定义了爱恨。



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