林柒喂,你可以放手了吧 。
林柒【敲敲门】Professor Owen(欧文教授)!
教授Come on in.【看了眼他们,吓到了】Oh, my God, honey. What are you guys doing here?(哦,天哪,亲爱的,你们怎么一块来了)
他们异口同声的说:“Professor, do you know her / him?”(教授,你认识她/他?)
教授Yes, dear. I mentioned it last time(是的,亲爱的,我上次提到了)
林柒So he's the legend of our academy, Luzer!( 所以他就是我们学院的传奇路泽)
路泽So she is your favorite student, the last recommendation to me Lin Qi! (所以她就是您最喜欢的学生,上次向我推荐的林柒)
教授Yeah, I thought you two already knew each other. I saw you two together.(对啊,你们不是已经认识了吗,我看你们俩一起来的)
林柒No, I don't. I don't want to know him.(不,不认识,我可不想认识他)
路泽I don't want to know you either.(我也不想认识你哪)
教授Oh, honey, what happened to you? Tell me everything.(哦,亲爱的,你们发生了什么,快给我讲讲)
教授Oh, God, I think it's fate. Why aren't you guys together?(哦,天哪,我认为这就是缘分,你们为什么不在一起呢)
林柒Oh, no, I don't want to be with him.(哦,不,我可不想和他在一起)
路泽Professor, I do not want to, you do not make fun of, I with her where to get predestined relationship?(教授,我更不想,您别开玩笑了,我和她哪来的缘分)
教授Don't you say that. My wife and I have been through this. We will grow old together. It is God's will. CUBITT's Arrow has pierced our hearts.(你不要这样说,我和我太太就是这样小打小闹的过来的,我们会携手到老,这是上天的旨意,丘比特的箭射中了我们的心)
林柒【赶紧打断他转移话题】That… that…professor, my graduation project has been robbed, what to do?(那个那个,教授,我的毕业设计图被抢了,怎么办啊)
教授I'm supposed to have it on file for you, but I'm sure you can come up with something better than that.(我这里应该有存档,给你找找,但是我相信你能设计出比那个还好的设计)
林柒Thank you, professor. By the way, professor, if you could lend me some money, I'd like to return it to this man.(谢谢教授,对了,教授,您能借我点钱吗,我还要把钱还给这个人)
路泽【看了眼林柒】No, for the professor's sake, I'll let it go.【笑着对教授说】 Professor, I have a plane to catch. I'm leaving.【对林柒说完就走了】 I hope I never see you again.(不用了,看在教授的面子上,这钱就免了。教授,我还要赶飞机我先走了。我希望再也不要遇见你。)
林柒Me too.
林柒【突然想起自己的飞机】Oh, professor, my plane is about to take off, I'll be late, I have to go, send me the design, thank you, professor.(哦,教授我的飞机快要起飞了,我要晚点了,我先走了,设计稿发我邮箱吧,谢谢教授)【赶紧跑了】
教授【笑着】I told you, you two had a connection.(我就说过,你们之间有缘分)