Get ready, dear Shmoopers, for some major tree talk
You may call yourself green, but let's walk the walk.
Dr. Seuss sure did, and boy did he strut:
He penned The Lorax to show us what's what.
First, some background on our favorite kid's doc:
He couldn't cure measles (we know, not a shock).
An American man, Dr. Seuss is Shmoop's muse.
So read him with us—there's no way you'll lose.
Say it aloud now, WE LOVE DR. SEUSS!
Aha! You misspoke, you silly young goose.
Now try it again, with a big booming voice,
The Lorax was written by one Dr. Zoice!
Born Teddy Seuss Geisell (well, we guess, Theodore)
He became the man that we all so adore.
And now, you say, you want some more facts?
Well, in '71, he wrote The Lorax.
We're telling you, Shmoopers, this book is great fun,
But don't be fooled, it's a serious one.
The Lorax is all about what we can do
to keep our trees green, our lakes and skies blue.
Let's meet the players: the Once-ler does shine
an inventor, he is, who messed up big time.
And so he confesses to a special young boy
about the Truffula forest, the one he destroyed.
It turns out it was his own careless fault,
His own greedy deeds caused this assault.
But don't worry, readers, someone rebelled,
The Lorax (the star!)—he protested and yelled.
This fuzzy guy said, "don't be so commercial!"
(You know what that means—it's a bit controversial.)
So the Lorax is now iconically green,
reminding us how to keep our earth clean.
Some people, like loggers, thought it too simplistic,
(They seemed to have missed that it's very artistic!)
Economists, too, are putting it down.
They say Seuss-onomics just ain't all that sound.
But The Lorax is more than just rhymes and confessions.
It's a fine work of art, on top of a lesson.
The illustrations, for one, were delightfully new.
Such reds and greens! Even yellows and blues!
Doc's second wife Audrey suggested he switch
to a new color palette: more lush, plush, and rich.
In his post- Lorax books, this M.O. was clutch,
He created new worlds with this beautiful touch.