话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 英文鸡汤
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8 迷:前言(2)


Wrongful convictions happen for several reasons. In no particular order, these causes are:

1.Bad police work. Most cops are honest, hard-working professionals. But some have been known to hide, alter or fabricate evidence; lie on the stand; cut deals in return for bogus testimony; intimidate and threaten witnesses; coerce confessions; or manipulate eyewitness identifications.

2.Prosecutorial misconduct. Most prosecutors are also honest, hard-working professionals. But some have been known to hide exculpatory evidence; encourage witnesses to commit perjury; lie to jurors, judges and defense lawyers; use the testimony of bogus experts; or ignore relevant evidence beneficial to the accused.

3.False confessions. Most jurors find it impossible to believe that a suspect would confess to a serious crime he didn't commit. Yet the average citizen, if taken to a basement room and subjected to 10 consecutive hours of abusive interrogation tactics by experienced cops, might be surprised at what they would say. Of the 330 people who were exonerated by DNA evidence between 1989 to 2015, about 25 percent gave bogus confessions after lengthy interrogations. Almost every one recanted soon after.

4.Faulty eyewitness identification. More often than not, those who witness violent acts have trouble accurately recalling the facts and identifying those involved. Physical and photo lineups may exacerbate the problem because police manipulate them to focus suspicion on favored suspects.

5.Jailhouse snitches. In every jail there is a career criminal staring at a long sentence. For leniency, he can be persuaded to lie to the jury and describe in great detail the confession overheard from the accused, usually a cellmate. If he performs well enough on the stand, the authorities might allow him to walk free.

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