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本书标签: 明星同人  很棒文  情话 



If you can not only I love you if you can let you fall in love with me, then it should be much better. 如果可以不只是我爱你 如果也可以让你爱上我的话 那该多好

There will always be people who will come out of your life. You will have to learn to accept and not miss 总有一些人会慢慢走出你的生活 你要学会接受而不是怀念

Don't be too sad. You just have too little. 别忧伤的太早 你只是经历的太少.

He is not without his temper but he is willing to spoil you .他不是没有脾气 而是他愿意宠着你

They are themselves the clown also dare to have what. 自己本身就是小丑 还敢去拥有什么.

I can love a very crazy can go very quiet . 我可以爱的很狂热 也可以走的很安静

Pull the black one is very simple but it is difficult to delete memories. 拉黑一个人很简单 可是删掉回忆却很难

If we are as good as the TV series, I leave you, you can think of me no matter what. 要是我们也像电视剧里一样就好了 我离开你的时候 你无论做什么都能想到我

My heart is a fool who can not replace. 我心里有个傻宝 谁都代替不了.

When the wave age, but hold the hand of the delusion to old age.明明该浪的年纪,却偏偏妄想执一人之手到白头.

If we bear will be friends for longer 如果当初我们忍住做朋友会不会更长久.

All the beautiful in this world is but your lovely face.这世上全部的漂亮都比不过你可爱的模样

Don't hog the past refused to go, don't depend on ever does not let go 别缠着往事不肯走 别赖着曾经不放手

"Don't be anxious about the person you like, but ignore the good. "不要总是急着对你喜欢的人好 而忽略了这种好他到底要不要

"Come back, I'm still behind you." “赶快回头趁我还在你身后 ”

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