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本书标签: 明星同人  很棒文  情话 



As long as the outcome is a good process let me how pain will do

只要结局是好的 过程让我怎么痛都行

You are the light that I can feel in my eyes.


When you can't stop the haze, pretend you are the wind.


Never mind I love far apart you.

天各一方没关系 我远远的爱你就行了

He's not so much like you.

他不是没空 只是没这么喜欢你

"I want to be the one who likes you and only you like"

“想做那个只喜欢你 也只被你喜欢的人”

"If you miss me, just give me a call," he said"

“如果你想我了 就打个电话给我 发条信息 别憋着 其实我也在想你”

I know there's always too much regret in this world, so do you

我知道 这个世界总有太多遗憾 所以 你好 再见

I don't want you to be what the person I want to laugh at you.

得不到的我没想要 你是什么人物我要对你笑.

There are roses and love, and punishment.

爱不止有玫瑰花 还有不安和惩罚

"I can't forget the way you go because it's my happiest time"

“我陪你走的路你不能忘 因为那是我最快乐的时光”

You can put me down heavily but I don't think I will be with you for mercy

你可以重重的把我打倒 但想都别想我会跟你求饶

Laughter is just a look. Has nothing to do with happiness.

笑只是个表情 与快乐无关

They all ask me why I don't insist on my courage to use light

他们都问我为什么不坚持了 我说我的勇气用光了

Imagine how you are lonely without my days


My best friend said that she had no friends.


There has always been a quirk, more people like things, but the more I did not favor, even if those things are good

一直有个怪癖 越多人喜欢的东西 我反而越没好感 就算那些东西还不错

Now I am in addition to express who are ranging.

现在的我 除了快递谁都不等.

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