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2012年4月,蔡徐坤因参加综艺节目《向上吧!少年》进入全国200强而进入娱乐圈;8月,参演个人首部偶像剧《童话二分之一》。2014年3月,参演个人首部电影《完美假妻168》;2015年7月,蔡徐坤参加真人秀节目《星动亚洲》,并成功进入全国前十五强;2016年10月,蔡徐坤通过10人男子组合SWIN正式出道;2018年1月,参加爱奇艺重点打造的中国首档偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀《偶像练习生》。2018年4月6日,在《偶像练习生》决赛中,蔡徐坤最终排名第一,作为Nine Percent组合成员正式出道。6月15日,参加的纪录片《NINEPERCENT花路之旅》在爱奇艺上线。2018年8月2日,入选福布斯2018年中国“30位30岁以下精英”榜单。8月18日,随组合参加2018微博粉丝嘉年华线下活动。12月18日,担任2019年北京卫视春晚代言人。同年12月,获第十二届音乐盛典咪咕汇年度“最佳彩铃销量歌手”、年度十大金曲《WaitWaitWait》、搜狐时尚盛典“年度人气男明星”以及今日头条年度盛典“年度偶像人物”。2019年2月,首登北京台春晚便包揽词曲,为其创作歌曲《那年春天》。2019年2月19日,蔡徐坤合约案胜诉,与原公司经纪合约解除。



Wait Wait Wait - 蔡徐坤






Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

This space, our place

This room is never gonna feel the same

Up late, Too late

To say I shoulda done it differently

I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days… I miss you next to me

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Two feet, One dance

Distance, The devil walked in between

Woke up, Broke down

Oh how'd you'd ever do that to me

I hate that I miss you

I'd stop if I could

All our nights, Were spent in ecstasy

So I can't forget you

As much as I should

All my days… I miss you next to me

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Wait Wait Wait

All I do is wait wait wait

You're the one I'm waiting for

Weight weight weight

Carrying the weight weight weight

Is better than to let you go

Love, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go

Love, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me to carry the weight of

Us, This love

Is killin me, But it's better than to let you go

Is better than to let you go

Wait Wait Wait…



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