百变龙套(同学y)Then you have also said, China is different from the United States, you and Jian Xi are Chinese, you feel that specially fried music, in the United States, do not have to be accepted by the public, you are not worried about damage to your own interests?(那你也说了,中国和美国不一样,你和简溪都是中国人,你们觉得特别炸的音乐,在美国不一定能被大众接受,你就不担心自己的利益受损?)
简亓Why worry about such unrealistic worries? Yes, China is different from the United States.However, since the new national style exists in the curriculum of Berklee College of Music,Then it is reasonable.(为什么要担心这种不切实际的烦恼?是,美国和中国是不一样。然而,既然新国风存在于伯克利音乐学院的课程中,那么它就是合理的。)
百变龙套(同学y)Why don't the gold broker give us an example of the new national style being accepted by the American people in the United States!(要不金牌经纪人不给我们举个例子,那首新国风在美国被美国人民所接受。)
简溪I don't think it's necessary for my brother to answer this question. Who else doesn't know that the arrangement of Nirvana is the new national style?Lin Shuo that Nirvana's high ranking on the Grammy list is not enough to prove that the new national style has been accepted by the American public?(我想我哥没有必要回答这个问题,还有谁不知道林说的《涅槃》所采用的编曲就是新国风?林说的涅槃在格莱美榜单上的高排名不足以证明新国风已经被美国大众所接受了吗?)