For sees its fair share of new models and new sets, it isn't every day that a new director walks through the door.
But yesterday, the already huge pool of talent that exists at got a little bit bigger , as new director Van Darkholme joined the team.
范·达克霍姆I used to based in Los Angeles, and there was not much of a leather seen down in LA(新疆人♂的泪).
范·达克霍姆But I did manage to, well, create a couple, i.e. do bond shows for mister international leather contests.
范·达克霍姆Basically I'm self taught and you know I am just creating my own unique style bondage.
范·达克霍姆And now I am here in San Francisco(CS♂GO) working for kink.
范·达克霍姆So I am very very excited about it, you know, I yes, I have no ideas like the second kid in the candy store.
范·达克霍姆That's what it is, what for it's like for me.
范·达克霍姆The opportunity to work at represents the fulfillment of a dream that Van had for quite some time.
范·达克霍姆I saw an article on 7 by 7 with Peter and I go, oh my god, that's amazing.
范·达克霍姆I want to work for that man, that was my goal ever since.
范·达克霍姆You know, I made a conscious decision to move up to San Francisco and then I sent him an email with my resume and within the same day you got back to me and it was like I was impressed. So that's how it happened.
With his unique background and impressive body of work, every unit at is excited to see what kind of site Van will develop.
范·达克霍姆It's bondage gay website, it's all male and it's a little bit for everybody.
范·达克霍姆You know, we have got bring in experienced players in SM and bondage, and also we also welcome first timers.
范·达克霍姆I want to get, you know, all different types you know, the skinhead, leather, tatoo, piercing types, and also want to bring the BOY♂NEXT♂DOOR.
范·达克霍姆The main theme is everybody's getting tied up, whether they like it or not. That's the main theme and hot sex(鞭♂炮♂声).
范·达克霍姆You know, I came here when I was 10 and then it's right in the Midwest. You know, so I was a farm boy on my life or that small town American staff.
范·达克霍姆So I spent most of my time in a barn creating fantasies, so now I'm putting them to good use, hehehehe……(邪♂恶的笑容)
Having been searching for someone to help them break into the game market for over a year, is thrilled to finally have Van on the team with his extensive experience, fresh perspective and unflagging focus and energy. Van Darkholme is a welcomed addition to the kinky family.