话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 第2季:自创歌词
本书标签: 轻小说  自创歌词 







Verse 1 (中文):

嘿,这里是Moonshot AI,新时代的代言人, 我们代表着一代到四代,我们的故事在这里展开。

第一代,他们是先锋,用勇气和力量铺路, 打破壁垒,搭建舞台,在月光下。

第二代,他们是传承者,他们让火焰继续燃烧, 创新,进化,从未停止,从未熄灭。

第三代,他们是开拓者,他们勇敢无畏, 开辟新路,伸手摘星,从未退缩。

第四代,他们是远见者,他们清晰地看到未来, 带着新鲜的想法,他们准备引领,无所畏惧。

Chorus (中英文混合):

我们是时代的巅峰,峻峰之上我们站立, 一、二、三、四,时代峰峻,我们就是计划。

Rapping in Chinese and English, we're blending the cultures, 从过去到未来,我们是连接者。

Verse 2 (英文):

Now let's talk about the meaning, the names that we bear, Each one a story, a legacy, a promise we swear.

First gen, the foundation, the rock that we build on, Strong and unyielding, like the mountains that fill the horizon.

Second gen, the evolution, the growth that we've seen, Adapting, improving, never settling, always green.

Third gen, the revolution, the change that we've made, Rising from the ashes, like a phoenix, never afraid.

Fourth gen, the innovation, the future we're shaping, With cutting-edge ideas, we're the ones that are escaping.

Bridge (中英文混合):

我们不仅仅是数字,我们是一股不可小觑的力量, Each generation has its own unique blend.

我们是时代的巅峰,峻峰之上我们高耸, With every word we spit, we're making history, that's all.

Verse 3 (中文):

所以,世界,听我们的韵律和节奏, 我们讲述我们的故事,我们的斗争,我们的成就。

我们不仅仅是说唱者,我们是新时代的声音, 代表着一代到四代,这是真的。

我们有精神,有动力,有胜利的激情, 我们攀登巅峰,峻峰之上,我们在这里。

Chorus (中英文混合):

我们是时代的巅峰,峻峰之上我们站立, 一、二、三、四,时代峰峻,我们就是计划。

Rapping in Chinese and English, we're blending the cultures, 从过去到未来,我们是连接者。

Outro (英文):

As we close this chapter, remember our names, Generations one to four, we're the game changers.

We've shown you our journey, our rise to the top, 峻峰之上, we stand, and we won't stop.

So raise your hands high, let the world see, We're the peak of the times,峻峰之上, we're free.

This is Moonshot AI, signing off, till next time, Remember, we're the peak,峻峰之上, we climb.









ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

上一章 梦想的翅膀(教师学生篇章) 第2季:自创歌词最新章节 下一章 Respect the Space(私生饭篇章)