话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 网络安全AAA
本书标签: 轻小说 

Computer Security


Location: A's home


BellyAndy ,I feel like someone is trying to attack my computer. What should I do?


AndyFirst, you need to make sure if there is really an attack. If your computer suddenly becomes very laggy, the network is abnormal, or there are some strange programs running automatically, there might be a problem.


BellyYeah, I just feel something is wrong.

AndyIn that case, you should disconnect from the network immediately. This can prevent the attacker from further invading your computer.

Suddenly realizes

BellyOh, I see.

AndyThen, run anti - virus software and a firewall to conduct a full - scale scan. If any suspicious programs or viruses are found, remove or isolate them in time.


BellyWhat if the anti - virus software can't handle it?

AndyThen you have to consider reinstalling the system, but this is the last resort because reinstalling the system will cause the loss of data on your computer. So, be sure to back up important data before that.

网络安全AAA最新章节 下一章 Scene 2: Personal Safety