在那遥远的大陆,In that distant continent,
有人吟唱着这般深情而又激昂的歌谣:Someone is singing such a soulful and passionate ballad:
嗯嗯嗯,嗯嗯嗯,嗯嗯嗯,Emm emm emm, emm emm emm, emm emm emm,
看那风云变幻的江湖,Look at the ever-changing rivers and lakes,
少年怀着满腔的热血与豪情肆意张狂。The youngster is filled with passion and pride, acting wildly and unrestrainedly.
潺潺的水流中,In the gurgling water flow,
流淌着的是我往昔那不羁的灵魂。It is my unruly soul of the past that is flowing.
尽管已在风雨中历经无数沧桑,Although having experienced countless vicissitudes in the wind and rain,
然而多年来那真挚灿烂的笑容依然珍贵如初。yet the sincere and brilliant smile over the years remains as precious as ever.
嗯嗯嗯,Emm emm emm,
魂魄在千年的乱世之中辗转漂泊,The soul has been wandering and drifting in the chaotic world for thousands of years,
历经无数悲欢离合。experiencing countless joys and sorrows.
这悠悠的水中流淌着的,In this leisurely flowing water,
仿佛是我沉醉其中的美酒。it seems to be the intoxicating wine that I indulged in.
我曾勇敢地踏破千重雪,I once bravely broke through thousands of snowfalls,
敢于洒脱地面对世间一切,and dared to face everything in the world freely and easily.
所有的故事与情感都隐匿在那如梦如幻的水云之间,All the stories and emotions are hidden among the dreamlike water and clouds.
这偌大的天下,究竟是谁人能够主宰?In this vast world, who on earth can dominate?
用力艾力,Force Eli,
嗯嗯嗯,嗯嗯嗯,Emm emm emm, emm emm emm,
在这纷繁复杂的红尘之中,In this complicated and diverse world of mortals,
有一朵寒梅傲雪凌霜独自绽放,There is a plum blossom blooming alone, defying the wind and snow.
哪怕风雨交加,Even in the midst of the storm,
那寒梅依旧散发出迷人的芬芳。that plum blossom still emits a charming fragrance.
岁月里饱含的苦涩,The bitterness contained in the years,
那些不为人知的秘密,Those unknown secrets,
都悄悄地隐匿在风雨的深处。are quietly hidden in the depth of the wind and rain.
我满心渴望陪你一同闯荡这茫茫世间,I am full of eagerness to accompany you to venture into this vast world.
用力哎力。Force Eli.
红尘中那独特的一朵,The unique one in the world of mortals,
心若含苦,If the heart contains bitterness,
岁月亦写满了沧桑。the years are also filled with vicissitudes.
少女的青丝在时光的流转中渐渐染上白霜,The girl's black hair gradually turns gray as time goes by.
岁月如梦,Years are like a dream,
梦醒时已别离,When waking up from the dream, it's time to part.
香烟化作摇曳的烛光。The cigarette turns into a flickering candlelight.
我一心只想陪你共赏风雨,I only have the desire to accompany you to enjoy the wind and rain.
少女那细腻的心思犹如一场幽长的梦境,The girl's delicate thoughts are like a long and secluded dream.
我热切地期盼陪你闯荡这波谲云诡的江湖,I ardently anticipate accompanying you to venture into this treacherous rivers and lakes.
无畏风雨,无畏风霜。Fearless of the wind and rain, fearless of the frost.
嗯嗯嗯,嗯嗯嗯,嗯嗯嗯。Emm emm emm, emm emm emm, emm emm emm.
倘若在那阴森可怖的噩梦中骤然惊醒,If suddenly awakened from that terrifying nightmare,
就在那转瞬即逝的一刹那,In that fleeting moment,
却依旧要无奈地面对分离的痛楚,Still have to helplessly face the pain of separation,
始终没有足够的勇气说出那句别离。Never have enough courage to say that parting word.
爱,原来是如此难以割舍与放弃,Love, turns out to be so hard to割舍 and give up,
我发疯似地拼命苦苦找寻,I frantically search desperately like crazy.
璀璨的星斗照亮了前行的道路,The brilliant stars illuminate the way forward.
温柔的月色抚慰着受伤的心灵,The gentle moonlight soothes the wounded heart.
离别的那段时光,During the time of parting,
太多美好的梦想如同缥缈的云烟渐渐消散。Too many beautiful dreams gradually dissipate like the misty clouds.
你是我心中永恒的梦想彼岸,You are the eternal dream shore in my heart.
痴痴地等待着那一天的到来,Longingly waiting for that day to come.
期待着你能陪伴我一同去领略岁月的悠长与深邃。Looking forward to your company to experience the length and depth of the years together.
爱是那无尽的恨别离,Love is that endless hate of parting.
这令人心碎难过的情思依然如乱麻般难以梳理,This heartbreaking and sad emotion is still as tangled as a mess and hard to sort out.
太多太多流逝的时光,So much passing time,
可岁月的波折依然难以对你尽情倾诉。Yet the twists and turns of the years are still hard to pour out to you.
穿越那山海之间遥远的距离,Cross the distant distance between the mountains and the sea,
对你的爱从未来绵延至过去,My love for you extends from the future to the past.
带着那迷人的皎洁月光,With that charming bright moonlight,
你定会以荣耀之姿华丽登场,You will surely make a glorious appearance.
紧紧牵着我的手一同去目睹那相思断肠的凄美场景。Hold my hand tightly to witness the poignant and beautiful scene of lovesickness and heartbreak.
众生一月鬼见愁,All beings are troubled in January.
当年他们肆意妄为闯下弥天大祸,Back then, they wantonly caused a huge disaster.
将我一次又一次地深深伤害。Hurt me deeply again and again.
感谢那傲雪的寒梅,Thank that plum blossom braving the snow.
见证我永不言败,Witness my never giving up.
看我自由翱翔,See me soaring freely.
手中的昊天锤,The Haotian Hammer in my hand,
我坚定守护,誓不放弃,I firmly guard and vow not to give up.
且看今时今日,Let's see now,
谁能与那明月争辉,Who can compete with the bright moon?
谁能与我一较高下。Who can compete with me?
在这漫漫人生路上,On this long road of life,
无论遭遇多少艰难险阻,No matter how many difficulties and obstacles are encountered,
无论经历多少风雨飘零,No matter how much wind and rain are experienced,
我都怀揣着对未来的憧憬,对爱的执着,坚定地走下去。I am carrying the longing for the future and the persistence of love, and walking firmly.
愿世间所有的真情都不被辜负,May all the true feelings in the world not be let down.
所有的梦想都能如愿以偿,All the dreams can be fulfilled.
所有的分离都能迎来重逢的那一天。All the separations can welcome the day of reunion.