话本小说网 > 轻小说 > 雅各布上校(英文)
本书标签: 轻小说 



Once upon a time, in the spring of 1920, Colonel Jacob and his secretary Mark found themselves in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. And boy, did they have a series of hilarious adventures that would make your sides split!

One sunny morning, Colonel Jacob decided to take a stroll through the busy streets of Rotterdam. Mark, his ever-loyal secretary, tagged along. As they were walking, Jacob suddenly stopped in front of a store window, his eyes fixed on a strange-looking hat.

"Mark," he exclaimed, "I must have that hat!"

Mark looked at the hat, which was bright pink with feathers sticking out all over, and tried to persuade the colonel otherwise. "Sir, perhaps it's not the most suitable choice for a man of your position," he said politely.

But Jacob wouldn't listen. He marched into the store, bought the hat, and wore it right away. As they continued their walk, people stared and giggled, but Jacob was oblivious, thinking he was the height of fashion.

Another day, they went to a fancy restaurant for lunch. Jacob, being a bit picky about his food, ordered a dish that sounded very complicated. When the meal arrived, it looked nothing like what he expected.

"Mark," he shouted, "this isn't what I ordered!"

The waiter tried to explain, but Jacob wouldn't have any of it. He started arguing loudly, causing all the other diners to look over. Just then, Mark, in a desperate attempt to calm the situation, accidentally knocked over a jug of water, which splashed all over Jacob's new suit.

Jacob was so shocked that he stopped arguing and just stared at his wet clothes in disbelief. The whole restaurant burst out laughing, and even Jacob had to admit it was a rather funny situation.

Then there was the time they got lost in the city. Jacob insisted he knew the way, but they ended up going in circles for hours. Mark was getting more and more frustrated, while Jacob kept insisting they were on the right track.

Finally, when they asked for directions and found their way back, Jacob tried to act as if it was all part of his master plan. Mark just rolled his eyes and couldn't help but laugh at the colonel's stubbornness.

These were just some of the crazy and funny incidents that happened to Colonel Jacob and Mark during their time in Rotterdam. Their adventures became the talk of the town, and everyone had a good laugh at their expense.

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