Let me tell you about a terrifying incident that happened to me in the outskirts of Sint Maarten. It was a day I'll never forget.
I was out there, minding my own business, when out of nowhere, this scoundrel of a robber showed up. He had a menacing look in his eyes and demanded all the money I had on me. I was caught completely off guard and my heart was pounding like crazy.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Mark, my trusty secretary, lunged forward without a second thought. He put himself right in harm's way to protect me. That darn robber slashed at me with a knife, but Mark took the hit for me. And before we could even react, the robber fired a shot and it hit Mark.
I was in shock. I couldn't believe what was happening. Mark had risked his life for me, and there he was, bleeding and in pain. I felt so guilty. How could I have let this happen to him? He was just doing his job, being loyal and brave, and now he was paying a heavy price for it.
After we got back and Mark recovered somewhat, I made sure to give him a whole lot of compensation. I knew no amount of money could ever make up for what he'd gone through, but I wanted to do something to show my gratitude and my deep sense of guilt.
To this day, whenever I think about that awful moment, my heart aches. Mark's selfless act will always stay with me, and I'll forever be indebted to him.