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The author of "The Lady of Camellia" is Alexandre Alexandre Dumas Minor from France. After reading this book, I finally understand why it has brought such a powerful influence and become an enduring literary feast. My heart is trembling uncontrollably. I don't know how many people have been moved, how many tears of sympathy have been taken away, how many hearts have been shaken, and how many souls have been inspired by this book over the centuries... This book tells the tragic love story of the female protagonist Margaret. Margaret was originally a poor rural girl, born with a beautiful appearance. I came to Paris, a bustling city, to make a living, but unfortunately fell into the dust and became a prostitute. I developed the bad habit of squandering money and relied on drinking and having fun all day to stimulate my numb nerves.

By chance, I met the male protagonist Mr. Armand Duval. The two fell in love with each other, longing to live a peaceful and indifferent life together. So, Margaret gave up her past luxurious life, gave up her worry free days of food and clothing, and went to the countryside with Armand to live a peaceful rural life, enjoying the sweet nourishment brought by love and longing for a better future. Unfortunately, heaven is not beautiful, and beautiful things are ultimately short-lived. Contrary to their wishes, while they were living a simple life in the countryside, Mr. Duval, Armand's father, realized everything. He found Margaret and repeatedly begged her to leave Armand for the sake of Armand's future and the happiness of their entire family. Small love lingers, big love leaves. It is precisely because she and Armand have a strong love for each other that Margaret has gained the power to bear sadness alone. It is precisely because of true love that she firmly believes that when Armand discovers the truth, she will be even more noble and pure in Armand's eyes.

翻译:《茶花女》的作者是法国的亚历山大·小仲马 我读完这本书,终于明白它之所以会带给人如此强大的影响力,成为经久不衰的文学盛宴。我的心颤动不已。我不知道这本书在几百年来带给多少人感动,带走多少人同情的泪水,带给多少人心灵的震撼,灵魂的启迪……这部书所讲述的是女主人公马格丽特的爱情悲剧。马格丽特原本是一个贫困的乡下姑娘,生的是花容月貌。为了谋生而来到巴黎这个繁华的都市,却不幸落入风尘,做了妓女,染上了挥霍钱财的不良习惯,终日靠着饮酒作乐来刺激自己麻木的神经。


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