我们总觉得自己还小 还能贪婪的享受所有美好 后来惊讶地发现自己不知从何开始 看得清糖衣里的炮弹 读得出微笑后的杀机 也懂得应付敷衍 逢场作戏 去面对好多自己 不曾想过要面对的事 表面上人畜无害 防身的刀却一直x在身后从未离手那一刻 我终于承认了成长这回事只是不知是好是坏.
We always feel that they are still young and greedy to enjoy all the good, and then surprised to find that they do not know where to start to see the shells in the icing, read the smile after the murder, but also know how to deal with perfunctory scenes to face a lot of things they never thought to face, on the
surface of the.
天启不是所有女孩都梦想赚大钱 也不是所有女孩都想做女强人 但当体会过一次次被人肯定认可以后 当你知道自己除了等待还可以争取 当你经济独立自我创造安全感 当你学会了潇洒地笑 潇洒的活着 你会发现 自己爱自己比别人来爱你更有意
Not all girls dream of making big money, and not all girls want to be strong women, but when they have been recognized and recognized again and again, when you know that you can fight for it in addition to waiting, when you are financially independent and create a sense of security, when you learn to laugh and laugh. Living, you will find
陆思诚对自己狠一点 逼自己努力 再过五年 你将会感谢今天发狠的自己 恨透今天懒憤自卑的自己 我始终相信一句话:只有自己足够强大 才不会被别人践踏.
If you force yourself to work hard for another five years, you will thank yourself for hating yourself who is lazy and inferior today. I always believe in one sentence: only if you are strong enough, you will not be trampled on by others.