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本书标签: 幻想 



authorHello everyone

authorToday we will learn about the handsome qualities of a surveillance officer

MonitoringOye Oye

MonitoringHmph, I'm so handsome, there must be a lot of handsomeness in me

authorAh, yes, yes, yes

authorYou do have many, many, many handsome records

authorNarrator, which side of him do you think is the most handsome?

Of course, it's Jin Kong

Because I feel that the monitor's head is very, very, very smooth, and his surveillance can even see everything

authorAh, yes, yes, yes

authorI also think his body is more

authorI also think his body is quite handsome

authorBecause his body feels a bit like a human, he may have been transformed by humans, so he must be very, very nice

Monitoring(They expressed me so well)

MonitoringOf course, two places

MonitoringBesides, you guys

MonitoringI am crooked and handsome

MonitoringSo you all think I'm very handsome

MonitoringOriginally, the surveillance head was the most handsome, and the body also felt very handsome

authorMe too me too

Me too

MonitoringHahaha, I must be very handsome. Each of you thinks I'm very handsome. If you haven't seen anyone before, then you think I'm definitely not handsome because there are very, very few people watching, so you think I'm not handsome

MonitoringEveryone should think that I am very handsome because you haven't seen it before. It's okay if you haven't seen the surveillance footage. If you think I am handsome, then that's okay

authorHandsome, handsome, handsome

authorOne word


authorWhat if it's a female version of a surveillance camera? Shouldn't it be very beautiful?

MonitoringOf course, but our surveillance personnel usually don't marry any husbands or wives

MonitoringI just feel like I like some girls

MonitoringWhat kind of husband and wife would you marry?

authorHate is also

authorBut we think you're too handsome. Do you think surveillance cameras are handsome? It's okay if I haven't seen them before. Anyway, they are very handsome. I'm so anxious about them. Do you think they are handsome?

MonitoringMy friend must think that I am very

MonitoringDo you think toilet people are handsome?

MonitoringAnyway, I feel too ugly. It's not as handsome as me. Do you two think so? Ma Xiaoran is so ugly, so ugly, so ugly, so ugly

authorAh, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right

Me too

MonitoringLook at my appearance, even toilet people would praise me for being handsome when they see me

MonitoringHmph, the toilet man is just trash. He can't beat the surveillance man at all. The surveillance man is already handsome. Although the toilet man won't say we're handsome, the toilet man is also very strong. But he's not as strong as our surveillance man, he will never be stronger than us

authorAh, yes, yes, yes

authorAh, yes, yes, yes

authorHmph, toilet people, these idiots are really stupid

authorBecause the toilet man looks very ugly, I have a feeling that the surveillance person is suitable for being a toilet because that head may be your only head

authorSo you feel that

MonitoringOf course it is

MonitoringBut I feel that the original author thinks it's very suitable for the surveillance person to wear this, and the toilet person to wear this is very suitable, so the author thinks it's more suitable for the surveillance person to wear the surveillance head, and the toilet person to wear the head is very suitable


authorThat's all for the author





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